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The game shows a lot of promise. As a bit of constructive criticism..the NPCs could do with a bit more agency..having NPCs take the lead a bit more would make it feel more organic...even dominant characters 
like Sasha and Aletta are a bit passive, even when they are supposed to be very would be nice to see them get more content where they are in control..maybe even seeking out and initiating encounters with the PC (like the Sasha couch/foot route) ..even at full is Sasha doing most of the favours like she is the sub.

IT would also be nice for characters like Bree to get the potential for a dominant route; which would allow you to reuse assets on both the male and female PC routes. The male PC also comes across as a bit of a selfish lover..the female NPCs do a lot for would be nice to have the option to return the favour...and more role reversal would be welcome.