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you need to be at end of storyline, free Orc from succubus, and go back, there will e new prisoner in cage, go to succubsu talk with her, she want another playboy, go to town -stables, talk with half centaur boy, led him to succubuss, she will release that new capture, after that i think you need go to crossroads, or forest path? (he will tell you where to go) find a cave i think and from there to farmstead, i dont really remember, sorry, anyway, there is nothing there for now, only carrots and wererats

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply Kentaureus.

I had figure it out by just fishing some info from the communite.

Now I have to wait for the next update... I still have to talk to Ste at Farmsted.

i am eager for him too, but ultimately i hope for some Blacksmith stuff already