This game is really cool! I'm so glad I found it. I was drawn to it mainly because of the artwork. All the characters look super adorable and the environments are really breathtaking. You say the game isn't finished, but it's really fully featured, with cutscenes and boss fights and even a save feature! Using a magic, portable house as a shield to recover your energy is a fun idea. Was this inspired by the coronavirus outbreak?
Seriously though, I have no idea how to make the PICO-8 do even half the things you managed here. Really impressive.
It's not without its faults however. Whilst I'm very thankful that you tried to include an option to play the game in English, the translation is very lacklustre. There are numerous grammatical errors, and a lot of dialogue gets mixed up to the point where I got a little confused over what is being said. This prevented me from understanding the controls properly, but I eventually figured it out.
It's also a little too difficult. Enemies hit really hard; they're impossible to predict and I over-relied on the house to the point I soft-locked the game on account of not knowing how to repair it.
But when I'd gotten used to the controls and figured out what I was supposed to do, I was blown away! It feels really good to move around the grid and smack into things; watching hordes of enemies have their attacks foiled as I sat indoors soaking in a nice warm bath was a kind of satisfaction I'm not sure I've felt in a game before.
Please keep working on it! I've included a machine translation of my comment into Japanese, if that helps at all.