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By now, I have played quite a few RPG Maker horror games, big and small.

And for a first attempt, and a short little story, I am acutally a little bit impressed with the amount of content, in terms of flavour text, room detail, etc. And of course, the lovely character art.

The story, as simple as it is, definitely takes some delightfully messed up turns in certain endings, which aren't super cryptic to find (I find a LOT of RPGMaker horror games make the endings entirely too situational and difficult to find, so kudos there).

The main problem here is grammar. I say this as a second language english speaker myself, but there are times where it really gets distracting, and it requires a lot more proof reading. Meaning isn't lost, far from it, but for the sake of presentation, it really can use some touchups there.

Very, very good work for a first game. I certainly enjoyed it, enough to find all three endings.

thank you for playing!! 

I am sorry for the grammar mistakes, in the future I will look for some english speaking testers before release the english version. I know how tedious playing a game with bad grammar can be (I played a few...)