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(1 edit)

So I might be not seeing this right, but at the end of the "solution" file, I've flipped it and did a little tweaky to it and I swear to God it looks like the last line says something like "Find me a rom file!"

I don't know how to dig into folders and whatnot of the games... I'm just kinda intruiged (thanks Markiplier) and was looking... Yeah... any way to "find" the game and give it anything? or prove we've "found" it?

EDIT: Find, not Give.

Deleted 4 years ago

Dang... ok... Just throwing out ideas and hoping one hits gold

It looks to me like grom friel (sounds like it, too), but Google is coming up empty on that one, and so is Translate.

I found out that if you spell "grom friel" backwards, that it translates to "Campfire tomorrow"