Awesome atmosphere! And the drawings, really cool. This is impressive, especially for a first game.
Though I'm totally not the right player for this, where's me shotgun?? ;) I've never had much patience for stealth operations, I'm more of a shoot-first-ask-later kind of player. I will try it out again, I didn't make it that far yet.
A few comments:
- I find it a bit difficult to know when an enemy is going to see me or not. By the time I realize I'm often dead. This might be partly because my frame rate is *very slow*, even at lower resolutions (I have an old-ish Mac).
- Could totally appreciate a Save option. :) I guess that's not an easy feature to implement.
- I found a glitch with the boat at the back: first it seems to be floating in mid-air, then as I approach it, it snaps back into place. Kind of works with the eerie atmosphere.
- With the door closed, saying that there's a key nearby, I could pick the key without lifting the stone (and never seeing the key). Which was kind of confusing, and made moving the stone pointless.
Anyway, really nice, I stopped at this beach to enjoy the view in between deaths: