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As of right now there are 11 narratively important passwords. Any others either are Easter eggs or aren't passwords.


There’s 11?? Geez, I must not be paying enough attention...I’ve only gotten the route specific ones, Benson’s saving and bad end, and Day 10’s password...There’s a word in the list that asks for a different day, but no matter what day I try, it keeps asking me for the specific day, leading me to believe I’m either doing something wrong or it’s for a future update... so I’m left with a password that’s supposedly usable and another I apparently haven’t found yet..............¿?is this normal?¿

Weird question but what day?


That's also my question...the vault never tells you when to use a password, but my concern was that a word I entered is apparently a password. The issue I've asked about was me not knowing if the word I used was for a future or current build, so I'm a little stuck in a loop as well...

If you've gotten to a point where everyone is alive, you're doing fine. Just because it's narratively important, doesn't mean it necessarily is there to circumvent a death specifically. 

Alternatively, some scenarios could potentially have multiple passwords to get you through the same event just in different ways.

Oh okay...thanks for clarifying🙃