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Good evening friend, I see that you continue to insist on answering a reply that is perfectly justified, and seems not to understand how programmers and beta testers work, and to teach it, see it as a kind of kitchen critic, in the same way that testers work of programs and sotware. How does this work? It is simple, we test on wide range computers, from the minimum to the maximum, from the graphical development computers to the development and calculation computers. YOUR program DID NOT pass the tests, and it was done with various environments, because they conflict, the size of your program does NOT justify its performance. I don't know if this does NOT seem clear enough to you. And these tests are sent online, not through mockery or sarcasm as you want to minimize. The quality of your product is POOR. Low, minimum, with conflicts and bugs in the program. You can be offended as much as you want, that is the reality of things and if I don't do it, someone else will also do it and can try to discredit, but the result will remain the same, and the failure is not of the program itself but because of it. seen from the programmer. That you take the trouble to use an illogical, irreverent and even humorous argument shows your level of maturity regarding the development of your project and only confirms my results, that they do not seem to you is not my issue, because I am not a psychologist but a programmer BETA tester, understand? And you can do the ironies you want if other investors ask me to make an evaluation of your project they can reach the same conclusion and people have the right to see the quality of the product that is being offered to them. If it is a prototype, you must notify: it is a prototype with errors. But you did not do such a thing, and still offer it as a complete product, what is that called? at the criminal and legal level it is called fraud. Take responsibility for the quality of your program and dedicate yourself to programming better than you criticize. Unlike you if I have to demonstrate my credentials, contact my private, by mail, I will gladly pass the supervision office and I will gladly tell you about the failures of your program Line by line. If not, do not waste time answering this criticism with malicious words because doing so discredits you and gives me reason. The best friend, is that you correct the errors of your project and undertake a new development. Bethesda Software Company did the same as you in a larger size using 768 mb, how do you justify that your program spends 3 gb and is so mediocre? Laugh whatever you want, the facts are the facts, and the clowns are others, not the testers. Greetings and blessings. Ing. Alexyz Hertliegen

Well someone sounds like they have a giant stick up their butt.

Have to butt in here, You DO realize that 3gb that you say this thing uses (on the system setups you tested it on) is NOT just for graphics right? 1/4 to 3/4ths of ram memory usage is computing based only, the ram only stores info that is constantly needed by the program as it's running so it lessens the load on the system as a whole and said memory is cleared when the PC is shut off so the entire lot can be used once again.

The GPU takes on most of that and if it can't get enough ram to use THEN it borrows from the CPU ram, always has, always WILL.

You say you're a Beta tester? I find that hard to find truthful for a few reasons, the main one being NO Beta tester would EVER hold that job for more than a second with how you talk...The other reasons are these, a Beta testers main job is to troubleshoot, find bugs, report them and give feedback. Second reason is even a Beta tester should know that know that not all programming is "universal" AKA it's not a one size fits all deal and you did not just compare this Dev to Bethesda...You do realize that Bethesda hasn't been able to make a stable game since Morrowind right?