Ok, so let me get this straight: was this jam hosted by yourself, and just endorsed by the GameDev.TV crew? Now I notice the name was "Community Jam"...
Anyway, my point is (and my question really), will the GameDev.TV people review (some! I don't have expectations they can get through all the games! lol) of the games, rate any etc? Or are we going to just rate each other. Is the jam purely voting based or are there judges like in other jams? It would be nice if the instructors could take a brief look I suppose and offer some insights. For example: what were they impressed by? Do they have any advice to give in terms of, for example, things they saw done wrong so they can refer us back to their courses and say "Hey, we noticed a lot of you had issues/problems with this thing. Remember in our course X we talked about this" etc. Ha ha, I am now realizing as I type all this that this is most definitely too ambitious and I'm maintaining insanely high expectations. But anyway, I thought I'd ask and understand what's going on a bit better.
Regardless though, this was immensely fun, thank you for organizing, I almost didn't participate because I didn't have any ideas (mostly because I was already building a time-travel themed puzzle adventure/rpg!) but I chose a new idea/genre and just went for it in 3 weeks. Absolutely loved it. I'm glad I did it.