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Aside from the internal contradiction inherent in the rather lucrative pricing, (though I don't doubt its market-value is proportional to the labour expended, if not its use-value) I am hesitant to purchase this because of the marketing. Your note about "unique catharsis" stands out for its Kafkaesque length, implying a very elaborate but fundamentally one-sided and emotive appeal. I am concerned that, in the absence of an age rating, players who are young or impressionable might assume that the artistic liberties you took in developing your N.P.C's might be applied to Actuality. Obviously, no one on wants to promote any sort of bullying which intends to coerce action in the service of a controversial or self-serving ideology. If the controversy is not a matter of personal confusion for you, perhaps a more pensive format would be more suited to your purposes; it's remarkable how little thought is actually assigned to the evaluation of Marx's theories, for instance, as opposed to the implementation of policies modeled very dimly after his theses. Solidarity in itself is a very Romantic concept which contemporary social critics tend to shy away from in favour of realism. You might end up attracting people looking for an escape instead of trying to save the World. Perhaps this was your intention? The marketing suggests otherwise. It's actually demoralizing, since it reminds me of those peaceful, innocent South Korean aristocrats in Parasite who were murdered just for what they were, when there was never even evidence that they engaged in the sort of profiteering schemes that Marx depicts in his treatises. One can hardly hold THOSE people responsible for the Burning of the World, now can one? Especially not when their adversaries behaved far more capitalistically, and their Northern Neighbours are Authoritarian Elitists whom even the squatters mock. Yet I guess this is not even about that; there is only so much one can fit into a game. Good luck, and I hope you make lots of money off of it. I'm just too broke to put my money where my mouth is, so I graciously abstain from your Revolution.

Lin Ji.


A lot of your questions could be answered by playing the game. Normally we just send a key to anyone we hear about for whom the price is a bit steep, but in two days Tonight We Riot will be a part of an Itch bundle supporting legal defense, bail, and mutual aid funds.  

So through that, Tonight We Riot and a couple hundred other games (some of which I can confirm are amazing works of art) will all be available for a $5 minimum donation to those organizations. If you'd still like a key, just let us know, but we highly recommend that amazing bundle for anyone who can swing the $5.


The fact that you came away from Parasite feeling that the Park family was murdered for nothing is indicative of being absolutely blind.

He asked a father to step away from his dying child to help rush his own, feinted child to a hospital. The nuance being that the rich will ask the poor to die in the name of petty conveniences. Feel free to take that one on the house. I'll need $15.00 for each additional film insight course after this free trial.


I feel like I have just read a propaganda pamphlet made for people who think they are smart.

You sure are good with words.


Maybe hop off your own dick for five minutes, & extract your head from your arse while you're at it.