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I like the general narrative of how and why you get cought, also sometimes the characters were dragging me towards the oven that looked amazing, I wish you would make it a feature(or in case of the living room drag towards the door). I also like the shortcuts and how they are somewhat hard to find and the idea of "hide out". Tables as hide out was fun too. Table decorations though, maybe they are not needed if I'm on the menu? However they looked nice.

Sound effects were nice and very fitting. Music however after a while got too repetitive. Also I expected different areas to sound different so I was disappointing when nothing changed when I entered living room area.

Also I don't know if this happened only to me but after I reached the first "living room" level with stairs my ability to hide from enemies was not working anymore. I would simply hold space bar and the character would play the hiding animation but after less than a second character jumped back up again. It didn't break the game for me but definitely made it harder. Maybe it was intend to be that way but in that case there was no clear indication in any form for why that happened. Neither could I see any cool-down anywhere.

Overall I really enjoyed this pixel art game with its familiar mechanics and a novel to me story. Thank you!

Thank you for playing and thanks a lot for the feedback!
It seems like you experienced a bug with the barrel. I thought i have fixed it, but I guess my fix failed :( 
I will take the direction of the dragging towards a certain prop in consideration! It sounds like a very nice idea.
In regards of the different music for different themes, I agree with you. We will definitely consider more variety in music and sounds for each area! 
We all have some idea about the world building of our game and we hope we can realise it! :) 

Either way, thanks a lot for your suggestions