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(1 edit) (+2)

I ADORE the look and atmosphere of this game! The dark, yet enticing atmosphere coupled with some very promising visuals made this little demo a very pleasant experience. I am eager to play more and learn more about Rei and her world. 

What stood out to me the most was, obviously, the art direction. I thoroughly enjoyed the look and feel of the environment (especially the furniture models) and Rei herself. I would love it if Rei's character art in her dialogue window were a little larger, though. On my screen, although the UI was clear and dialogue was easy to read, I found it difficult to see her face. I feel that maybe cropping the art a bit closer might make it easier to see her face when she changes expressions? Just some food for thought!

The music is lovely and I can't wait to hear what other songs may be included in later levels- please keep it up! Weirdly enough, I really enjoyed the sound of Rei walking on the creaky floorboards. I feel like it definitely added something to the atmosphere. I would love to hear more ambient sounds too! Maybe some distant, muffled rainfall pattering against a window pane or wind to remind players of the world outside of the mansion? 

It's been said a few times before, but I did struggle with the camera controls on PC. The WASD controls to move were intuitive, easy to pick up on and pleasantly responsive, however I did find wrangling the camera to be challenging at times... I did find that some of the dialogue went by a bit fast too at times as well, although that might have been me.

Overall, REI is a very promising game and I can't wait to play more. Keep it up, Cat's Eye!