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This game is absolutely fantastic! It's so reminiscent of the Witch's house (in how everything can kill you and just the all around tense atmosphere.) Visually it's fantastic and I can see so much creativity and passion has gone into it! My only complaint/request would be to release a walkthrough because I'm stuck :'( but I really want to finish the game and see how it ends because I am in love with it.


Wow, thank you so much! I apologize for such a late response — but I'll be posting a walkthrough file ASAP and I hope you decide to revisit it!


I just replayed the game, and the good news is I got much father than I did the first time haha!

The bad news is I'm still stuck :(

Could I ask one question to try and progress?

After the path is opened to the shed and the lake, what do I do? I saw a few other comments mentioning a hole behind a crate, but I couldn't find one (unless they mean the hole behind the dresser in the bedroom after the room goes creepy? Which I couldn't figure out how to get to)

This is a super amazing game and I'm really looking forward to hopefully being able to finish it some day! On this playthrough I was particularly impressed with the music. It is delightfully creepy!