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(1 edit)

I've tried my best to read solution.png so we have something concrete to go off of but the words that we are having trouble with seem to have the letters too close together to be able to read well. So far I have read:

Cue lat_____ the fact I dont know

Which _____________ting

Why dont you gr___ on it?

Same _____ as ever.

Over the tablecloth punt.

Do you understand me?

Nobody does.

Listen, there's a b_____ns at the door.

Should I garest him?

Find me a __romthiel. (or ___romfriel)

The blanks are parts of the words i had trouble reading. As for "Same _____ as ever", I believe it says 'folgen,' but since I couldn't read that, I left it out.

Edit: Here is what letters I got from the image: