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I am the only admin with privileges to delete comments. I decided to delete the extra comments as I felt these were unfair and more than a little unkind to leave on the team's page. 

As an admin, even I don't have access to any download statistics, so I am mighty curious how Griesgram even knows how many downloads this game got. If this is a serious accusation for which you have proof, I'd appreciate it if you submitted it to the department so we can take appropriate action. 

Until that time, I have decided to leave the original accusation in place because, even though poor sportsmanship is not the type of behaviour we encourage at the education, the team responded gracefully.

The jam is over now, we're not going to change the outcome. It is not very nice to the winners to be accused like this. How about we congratulate the winners and move on.

This jam and its format was announced at the end of March, but we understand the current situation makes communication more difficult. As this is the first time we have used this system we may have not highlighted the changes as much as we could have.