Right first of all thanks for the quick reply. I dunno why I had the old version installed even after reinstalling everything, but I fixed it. Unfortunately, more errors happened that killed my save file(Unsurprisingly) and prevented me from creating a new one either.
SCRIPT ERROR: getsexfeatures: Invalid get index 'penissizearray' (on base: 'Node (globals.gd)').
At: res://files/scripts/assets.gd:75
SCRIPT ERROR: newslave: Invalid get index 'expansionsetup' (on base: 'Node (globals.gd)').
At: res://files/scripts/characters/constructor.gd:81
SCRIPT ERROR: _ready_newgame_creator: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'cleartraits' in base 'Nil'.
At: res://files/scripts/mainmenu.gd:270
Loading Backup...
Load Finished
SCRIPT ERROR: _newgame_creator_reset: Invalid set index 'memory' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'String'.
At: res://files/scripts/mainmenu.gd:323
SCRIPT ERROR: _stage4: Invalid set index 'race' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'String'.
At: res://files/scripts/mainmenu.gd:691