This is just a map in the form of an arena and I just decided to try how this site works, do not judge strictly - the first job
Here is the link if someone is interested: P2lkPUNFQUE4NUVBQzY4QTgxREYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekJ3VUZScA==
Im not gonna give overall score since you have said not to judge the map strictly.
-Dont leave too much space but dont put too much structure(recommended if you need to make a balanced gameplay.)
-There must be at least 20-28 boxes in Showdown(maybe).
-Keep in mind that 1 tile gaps are illegal in everymap.
-1 brawler with 6 boxes=Stonks.
-Jumppad position is meh.
//Overall brawlers:Sharpshooter's Arena//