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Hi Sinister Ornament, 

While I'm glad you read my game and took the time to comment. I find that most of your criticisms could not have been more misplaced. It was never meant to be more than it was, there was never meant to be a winner. None of the things you have suggested you might want out of the game were things me or my co-writer intended it to do. 

It was developed on a short drive back from a hockey game attended by me and my co writer. It is meant to be played in the style of "time passing games" like I-spy or twenty questions. It is intended to be simple to understand, infinitely repeatable, and evocative rather than detailed. It is also meant to be teachable with out printed rules and in a very short amount of time.  Fleshing it out in any of the ways you suggested with be antithetical to the games purpose and intent. 

There is no winner because the point of the game is not to have a winner but to pass the time telling the story with friends as you traveling between places. There is no non-mech stuff because it was written for a game jam where the challenge was to write about mechs. It is not meant to be a game about rebels or a game about vampires, it is meant to be a game about mechs. 

There is nothing on this page or in the game that suggests that me and my co-designer wanted it to be any of things you want it to be. Clearly this game is not for you. And frankly, I find rating a game 1 star because it isn't the game you wanted it to be in very bad taste. I'm not charging anything for this game. You lost nothing but a few minutes reading it, while on the other hand this games rating has been halved  because you happened to want it to be something it's not and is never going to be. 

Apologies, perhaps I was a little harsh. I thought it was a very good idea but I did feel disappointed and felt it needed a little more on the page. You did inspire me a little, (hence my suggestions some of which I admit were a little wild).