Hello! I am GJ, an Autistic Human who LOVES video games to bits and wants to learn how to make them. I found Dragon Rider in the giant bundle that it came with and I figured "Hey, this looks to be not overly complicated when compared to many an game engine!". So, I grabbed the program and, hopefully, I don't accidentally set it on fire as I learn how to use it! :D
Dev Setup:
CPU: i7
Display: HP2310m Full HD LCD Monitor & a Magnavox Monitor above it.
Brand Model: ASUS ROG G20AJ
Top 10 Favorite Games:
1. Backyard Baseball (I am a BIG Backyard Sports fan)
2. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
3. Sonic 2
4. Crash Bandicoot WARPED
5. Spyro the Dragon
6. Sonic 1
7. Super Mario World
8. Goldeneye 007
9. Command & Conquer Red Alert
10. Planetside 2
Languages that I Know:
I've dabbled in Python, C++, and maybe one other, but it has been AGES since I looked at them, so I am super rusty!