not able to play on win 10 blocks & removes from computer. i supported but really want to play offline. help Versificator
Sorry about that - looks like I need to find a better way of making executables. You could try this: - unzip it to a fresh folder and open index.html . Unfortunately Windows 10 security is blocking that for me as well, but your mileage may vary. I'm as certain as I can be that it's clean, unless something's gone very wrong at my hosting provider.
Thank you so much for your support. I'll look for a better way of making offline playables.
So far I've rebuilt Hamlet and Zeppelin Adventure as well as this one, and I'll do the others as soon as I can, probably over the next day or three. I've temporarily removed the deprecated exe's and I'll post devlogs when I upload the new ones, so you should be able to keep track.
Thanks for your help!