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I really appreciate the time you put into making this! 

After installing Python (3.8.3), the requests module, and the bs4 module, I get a FileNotFoundError for 'vars.json'. 

Do I need to manually create this file?

(1 edit) (+1)

yes, or insert the variables directly into the code and delete the part where it opens the vars.json file... I think the easiest way is to create a json file format with the tokens I discribed... sorry if this is too hard for noncoders

EDIT: I will put comments on the gist with instructions


You will now find instructions inside the gist file on github


Thanks a lot for very useful script. For those who is confused with the session token, you can open inspect in browser -> select Application tab -> choose Cookies in the left tree -> -> look the panel on the right, copy the value of the line name itchio (NOT itchio_token)

Paste on the script and run

I am also having trouble finding the purchase token again. Thoughts?

it´s in the url