I'm kinda freaked out about the whole touching her when she is on her meds thing. Did not even give me the choise not to. Really killed the fun.
Look at it from the MC's perspective, it's revenge.
The game is far from being finished though, and I have the plan to include some alternatives ;)
i understand that. But at some point its coming close to sexual assault. I enjoyed the game despite this. I'm just saying MC is walking a fine line and i dont want to be there when he falls te wrong way.
Really? I was hoping you could abuse rachel like his dad did. Heh.. To each their own I guess.
thats rape bro....
So? Its a game.. If I want soft loving sex I will go to my girlfriend :p I want some schock value.
you know that even in a game. Pretending is still a criminal offence...
Think its ridiculous. But probably for the better. I dont care though xd .. I am edgy like that.
stop trolling lol. So playing games with killing is a criminal offence too?
no. But i am telling the truth tho.