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(1 edit)

Ok so here is an update about the newest game, For Me and You.

Just the Facts

At the start of the game you hear one verse of the song What a wonderful world however the lyrics have been changed from

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.


I see skies of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Once in the game Pressing 7 or G on the first (left) screen will bring up the letter M, pressing 4 of D on the right screen will bring up the letter J. You can go down to a red area by pressing the down arrow key. Once you are there pressing M or J for left or right and it will give a dark silhouette of a woman/man. You will then either get the "What a wonderful Moon" (M) ending or "What a wonderful World" (J) ending. The (M) ending has a reversed audio clip. Played forwards it is the same as the (J) Ending which is Louis Armstrong singing "Oh yeah! At the bottom of the screen you will get Neil Alden Armstrong for the (M) ending and Louis Daniel Armstrong for the (J) Ending. Lastly sometimes you will get a static screen with what I interpret to be the words sik'eemsik'em but have a look for yourself. Original - Modified clear as I could get -


Firstly Thanks to Thanoz85 for starting a thread for the game For Me and You. That's what got me started. Thanoz85 said "The numbers 467767 appear behind the bars that are moving up and down". I haven't seen them yet but all know this number by now, however the 6 seems to be omitted. Of the two I described earlier I believe there is a third ending. At the the end of this game there is a sentence that says The e n d. which depending on what you choose you will get the you get "world" ending (J) or the "moon" Ending (M) however there is still a letter and number missing. Also I believe M and J are the Melissa and Jake from On the Edge and that this third ending is the unnamed person trapped in the well. Finally if you compare the eyes of For Me and You to the Eye in Unforgettable they are very similar I think they are connect. Here take a look