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This game is so beautiful! Did you do the visuals yourself?  I had to use all my high school french to understand it :D Two things, even though it's a prototype and you are probably still working on it- when I shot the flowers nothing happened- when I pressed x nothing happened. I really think you should finish it, it's very cool. Came here after playing your game for Game Jam Time, you have nice games.

Thank you for your kind comment Asli!

I did not do the visual myself, I worked with a talented  artist ( Unfortunately, at that time I was not very used to handeling 2D art so I made a lot of mistakes and did not used her art to the full potential.

I'm taking courses to improve my skills at the moment. I hope we will be able to continue this project later and use all the assets she made to make a beautifull game.

Thanks again for your feedback, cheers!