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1) Who's your favorite character so far and why?

Daisuke. I have a weakness for the seemingly fun and carefree characters.

2) How's the pacing and writing? 

It was good but it seemed like Kazuo's introduction had a lot more monologue than I would've liked. 

3) What aspects of the game do you like?

The love interests seem like they have a personality and backstory that we can explore.

4)  How is the UI?  What did you like about it? What did you not like about it?

I liked that you used icons instead of words but I wish there was a log to see the script. Also, the options for perferences should all be on one screen, not multiple. When I choose to go to settings when playing the game, I shouldn't have to wait for the screen to transition through sliding either.

5)  How is the hook for the story? Did it made you play until the end? If it didn’t, what made you stop?

The hook was good enought to play to the end, but I felt tedious to go through all the monologue for Kazuo and the questions for Daisuke and Kou.This could just be me though.

6) How is the music for the demo so far? Does it match the vibe of the game? Is it distracting?

The first soundtrack played when Kazuo is first introduced in his bed reminded me of the Simpsons opening. It was smooth and sauve but the saxaphone was kinda giving me a different vibe.

7) What other improvements can we make to enhance your experience?

Add a log to your textbox so we can see the script. Sometimes I missed what a person just said. Please allow us to save when choosing options too. Make all the options for perferences be on one screen. Transition to the perferences screen from playing the game instantly, not though sliding.

Thank you for your review! We're trying to improve the GUI. As you said, the preferences need work (as most of the GUI haha) . We do need to add more features in the future. Like the log.

We'll try to tone down the monologue, and improve a bit of the writing ^_^.