Wouldn't you be better off starting out with an object id of mrs_smith so that you can refer to her as Mrs Smith (adjective = mrs, noun = smith)? Then you can refer to her as Jennifer, Smith, Mrs Jennifer or Mrs Smith. Or is the 'Mrs' ignored if it's not defined anywhere in the vocabulary? So I can refer to her as 'old lady Smith' or 'Granny Smith' or 'blah Smith' and it's still understood.
Well, just as an example, there's that one I asked you about offline a couple of days ago. GET BLAH FROM POCKET resulted in s1 = pocket and s2 = pocket. It would help if we knew what the standard prepositions were.
Based on what you said here, I did a bit of experimenting and worked out that if I use a test like :if (preposition_is "from" && noun2_is "pocket") {}, that seems to fix it. Am I on the right track?