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really original take on the theme, interesting gameplay, the sound effect are really cool but, they were a few bugs ,sometimes when i got stuck i had to reopen the game and there was also a level where i did not melted all the ice but it open the next level anyway.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing the game and pointing out the bugs! <3

It should be possible to restart the game with R, but it was only mentioned on the submission page, so I'm sorry I failed to implement this hint in the game :/ Besides, it would still reset the game to level 1, so not much difference anyway :(

And yeah, the win condition check is after every move and only checked for puddle and burned tiles. I was shocked when I saw it on Shadowrivers twitch stream (the guy who plays every game). Thanks for reminding me, I made a notice on the submission page. <3