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Hi there! I read the recent "Love is a Game" update on Kickstarter. While I am very sorry to hear the game will no longer be finished, I understand that there are so many things that go on behind the scenes in creating a fully-functioning, well-written game. Sometimes, it just doesn't work out. As someone who was looking forward to the final game, I understand your team's position and and greatly appreciate your transparency.

Additionally, I believe that that all your supporters would be happy to play what you guys have created, even if it's not finished or polished. I think this would be pretty solid consolation for donators + people who have been following the project. I would be happy to enjoy the hard work that you guys put in and play as much more as possible. :)

I applaud you all for taking action to refund your backers, and hope that you will all continue to create awesome games. Based on the how much this short demo electrified visual novel lovers (myself included!), I know that your future creative endeavors can and will do well, whether you do so as a team or individually. I look forward to supporting you, and wish you the best of luck. ^.^

Did they say 100% that they are not continuing the game? Is there a reason why they're not continuing this game? Sorry if I have too many questions XD.

No worries! You can read their explanation here (it's very long!):

I didn't see them explicitly state that the game was ending, but they did say "We will be refunding our backers and dissolving the company." They also mentioned "We have been working at a slow pace and are willing to post what we have finished to show that we did take our game seriously," which I take to mean that they will not be continuing the game.