i'm also getting this error
The latest upload still doesn't work on Catalina. Seems like the executable doesn't have the executable bit set.
I got it to work by doing this (bit involved):
Open up terminal
1) Got to the folder where you downloaded the game and enter the Contents/MacOS folder, for example:
cd "/Applications/itch.io/Art Sqool mac.app/Contents/MacOS"
Your folder might be different than "/Applications/itch.io/"
2) Set the executable bit then try to open it by running these commands:
chmod +x "Art School 2k19"
open "Art School 2k19"
MacOS will complain that it can't be opened. Click OK. Don't close the terminal window yet.
4) Go back to Finder and find the game. Right click or Ctrl-click on the 'Art Sqool mac'icon. Select Open in the popup menu.
MacOS will complain again.
5) Go back to the terminal window and try to open again.
open "Art School 2k19"
6) Go back to Finder and open like in step 4.
This time select Open when the popup window appears.
7) Attend Art Sqool! :)
Thank you for the help!
I somewhat simplified your instructions only the chmod +x line of terminal is needed.
For everyone wanting mac here is a relatively simple fix
credit to @jeremychu for this as this is just a streamlined version of what he says to do without so much terminal use
Note: The chmod +x command modifies the file and tells your mac that it is supposed to be executed like an app instead of read like a text file. The file we are modifying is the one the app uses to launch but the dev forgot to mark the file as executable so thats all we are doing here.
step 1: find the app in finder
Step 2: Right click or ctrl click on app and click show package contents
step 3: the last step should bring up a folder labeled "Contents" within that open the "MacOS" folder you should see a file labeled something like Art School 2k19.
Step 4 open terminal and type "chmod +x "(note the space after x) drag the file we just found into the terminal window and then hit enter it should look something like this [chmod +x stuff/stuff/stuff/stuff/Art School 2k19]
Step 5 Its fixed navigate back to where you started on step 1 open the file like a normal itch io game and enjoy
If you dont know how to open it or its not working after this the next steps are for you otherwise your done.
Step 6 right click on app and click open it will give you a popup that this is downloaded from the internet hit "ok"
Step 7 right click again and click open it will give you another popup. click "open" on the popup.