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Appreciate the feedback! The physics are pretty basic yeah, I'm no programmer so it's just from an asset pack. It follows logic, but it doesn't care about momentum, just where you hit something.

Randomization and such is tricky, I initially planned to do scrolling levels which would allow for longer poems similar to verses (in which case I'd have a few more lives). I didn't personally feel it got old that fast with set words, and scrambling them would remove any strategy in trying to pair up distant words and such, but I'll keep it in mind if I keep working on it.

The insults are meant to be light hearted and should be pretty mild unless you don't break a single block, but they may be a poor fit for the tone in the end.


Good on you for taking criticism well. I didn't get that the bounce-back angle was based on where the ball hit the word block in game - momentum based physics generally make much more sense to me.

I think you're mistaken about scrambling words within a puzzle removing strategy. It would require the player to adapt their strategy to deal with a changing situation in the game, which I think would be more engaging, honestly.

Also, no reason you can't have both randomized boards and static boards under two headings if you wanted to keep your static ones. ;)