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Well, the movment of the player ist really clunky and mostly uncontrolable. So the enjoyment drops for lot sadly:(.

I like what you did out of the theme(that the guard or so developed to the last thing they ate :D)

cant really say much more, quited the game very early cause of the movement of the player. (srry about that)

feel free to check out my game aswell ;D

Hey, thanks for your feedback. It helped me a lot and i improved the movement (hopefully to the better) in a future update.

The Update will have sounds as well. I hope you will check out my update after releasing :)

sure thing! ;D

I did a first small update and would love to hear your thoughts about the movement. :)

Yeah, now its actually really nice to play!

I even played the game multiple times till I've won! Really nice concept :D

Its really fun now, really easier to control and it feels much better!

Updated my rating !

Great job there ;P