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Thank you very much!

I absolutely see what you're saying regarding grinding. My stance is that I want the option for grinding to exist, but I never want it to be mandatory. If the player is skilled and strategic enough, they should be able to overcome anything that I throw at them in their current level. It's definitely a lot more difficult to make a long game without grinding than with it though, so you're totally right on that definition. I guess it's all about finding a balance =)

Oh wow, that sounds fantastic! I found your own website too =) Looks like you've implemented a lot of very unique ideas and mechanics; as you say, I can imagine how complex it must've been to implement some of those elements. I like the idea of having a betatester class - that's very handy! Unfortunately I've got a very busy week ahead with the Steam Game Festival (and sorting final preparations), but I'd love to check this out; thanks a lot for the link =D


Super! Good luck for the Steam Game Festival.

Thank you very much! So far so good =D