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(3 edits) (+4)(-2)

Hello this is my heist map.P2lkPTU3MjJBNUZCMkZDMTUzNzAmbWFwPVRVRlFYekZvWkhWMg==

Player tag:#CGYJ0RCR

Player Name: CosmicDoughnut

May I have feedback pls :]

(1 edit) (+3)

it's cool, i suggest u remove the wall around the safe, only throwers will be able to do damage otherwise. it will be extremely difficult to play with colt. The rest of the map is awesome :) for dynamike!!!


yeah i tried it too!! its cool but need to get rid of the wall.


All right thanks :]


This is my new one tried something different

It is a good map but suggesting do stuff in the corners