Keep trying. You can grow them pretty much as high as you want. Here's an example of me breeding the short little starting plants into a taller and taller version (there are many skipped generation in this picture). Pay attention to the number and size of the segments in the stem. Those can both change and impact the height of a plant. Children will be different from their parent in somewhat randomized ways, so not every child will be taller. You just need to keep an eye out for the ones that are.
Ok thanks for the tips. Yeah I've actually gotten some significantly taller plants since I made this post, but the improvements seem small at this point. Also, it's really difficult to judge height at this point since I have to continuously jump and the wind makes them bend a lot. It would be really helpful if there was like a god mode where you could mass plant (tho I understand if you feel that takes away from the intended nature of this game). However, it would be really helpful if you could have your own island away from this for projects. Something with an area that's totally flat so you could more easily compare results. Another idea would be to have some properties of plants stated (i.e. flower petal number, height, etc) in the tab view
But yeah this game definitely has something going with it being all done by eye, not having a consistent naming system, etc. It's kind of a rejection of the Western obsession with abstraction in the name of efficiency that came along with industrialization. Which I totally dig... but like, I also want a tall plant lol.
I also like how the plants aren't named tbh. Like in real life how every plant has totally different names by different cultures that interacted with them, the same could happen here if the game gets big enough. One community/wiki/whatever could come up with their own nomenclature while others come up with a different system. Names tell a lot about the relationships people have with the plants
Thanks for the great and thoughtful game. I look forward to future updates