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Heh, looks like I should clarify some of that. I'll also make a couple sample characters.

There's no skill pyramid. So there are three aspect groups, and you choose one from each. Every aspect has six skills associated with it. You step up a skill each time you see it in an aspect. So a character with Animist/Recluse/Wonder is going to have d10 in Notice, but only d6 in Cast.

Within the next week or so I want to be finished with all the stunts. Then I'll get into samples — sample characters, sample GMCs, a sample run through the link board.

Thanks for the speedy answer!

OK! That's almost what I had deduced but it clarifies everything a lot. So, all skills start at d4 and get upgraded (or not) from that; there are no "unrated" skills without a die rating. Unrated is d4.

And to be clear I only talked about the pyramid to use an easy to get  Fate term; it looked appropriate given the example GMC having 1x d10, 2x d8 and 3x d4! There's no confusion about it in your text, it was just my choice of word!