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I thought the concept behind this game was strong. With the theme of "A Small World" being very clearly defined by an endless loop of this young man's life. Where you almost have to try and escape a Doctor Who esc time loop by subtly changing things every day.

But it just feels like its missing something. Especially with a setting like this where you can draw parallels with any number of peoples lives I feel like you could run with this story more. But I just chock that up to the Ludum Dare time constraints.

That said I think you should expand upon this and make it into a funky story. The concept is solid and I rather enjoyed it.

Thanks a lot!
We have indeed thought of a bigger game but with the three days limit, it was really hard not only on the technical side but also on the game design side.

We will keep working on it and let you know when a better, bigger and polished version is out.

Again, thanks for the amazing feedback (also we'll probably call our character Steve as it had no name before your video)