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And so another Friday night of waiting and hoping and clicking begins...

But hey, at least we're all here together!

You can say this again.


I have classes and tests tomorrow morning. Am I studying? No, I'm here with all of you :P

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice to see you've got your priorities straight! ;P


Who needs to study when you have the chance to date a android? :D


I'm trying, but, God, it's difficult to focus xD


I can see it now: "I swear, professor, I meant to study, but there was this sexy robot in a spaceship..."


Lolol... We're doing some last minute testing now, you guys. ^^ We should be done and have the game posted sometime within the next few hours (barring some disaster striking)...


I always thought sleep was overrated!


Aw, sad thing it's already 4:30am here, so I won't be able to play today, nor tomorrow as I'll spend the day with friends. Damn time zones!

I understand you, Konoi... Here it's 11:45pm, and I have to get up at 6:30 am...

But it's good to know that I'll be able to play once I arrive home tomorrow :D