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Honestly I'd pay whatever they asked for to bring it back. It was so low radar, imagine how much money they could make if they brought it back and made the buy in a little higher. Now that's got some publicity, maybe with a little more advertising I can easily see $10 million, because it's literally one of the best deals in the history of capitalism. Anyone who cares about video games at all and see's a deal like that is gonna pay, regardless of their beliefs, and you'll raise a lot of money for a cause that some people wouldn't have given to before, just like what happened with the first round. Even in a dumbed down form, I would take it, because I imagine it would be hard to get all the dev's to contribute again, considering it's probably a substantial loss in income for them. What you have done for this movement is amazing - please do it again!

(1 edit) (+1)

>It was so low radar

It wasn't that low on radar. Media outlets that cover games quickly caught it up you can find it by just searching the name 1 3 ;they raised $2 million more than the goal, probably only bundle to have its own sub on reddit , was posted to 92+ subs with almost 2-3K upvotes in 3-4 of them including comment And Youtube videos+twitter

I think it did exceedingly well! But yeah if they brought back the bundle, it'd be great for people who missed it and want to support the cause. They can extend the goal to $10 million even! People post request all the time here and on reddit because they missed it 1 2 3 But at the same time lot of small creators gave their games away just for this and I'd imagine it will bear some financial loss for them if they wanted to do it again!