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(1 edit) (+4)

Just finished playing it first time, and... damn that was great. Need some time to calm down now, so sorry if I would sound too emotional. First of all, I saw a game earlier, but didn't got caught by a description or screenshots. Yesterday at 9 P.M. I thought I'd give it a try for an hour or two, and... well... it's 6 A.M. now and I'm writing this in a very agitated state. First of all there could be minor SPOILERS, so watch out.

So... every visual novel, like the name itself implies, consists of two parts: visuals and writing. And while visuals are... let's say, rough for now (though I like character sprites and CGs), the writing is just great. It was the rare case, I didn't want to hit 'Skip' button to fast forward through meaningless dialogues or author's ramblings to some more interesting content. The story itself is awesome and absorbing, even though I'm not a fan of Ancient Greek mythology.

Characters are interesting and fleshed-out. Though some of them make me want to run away screaming (I'm looking at you, Greta), others are good enough to cope with their personal quirks. I really like Argos and how my perception of him turned from 'some smug snake' to 'I hate this snake' and to 'I love this snake'.

R&D, Exploration and Argos 'cheating attempts' are interesting additional elements, though the first two need 'free days', without the pressure of the plot, to be explored fully. And the last one is exploitable through the save/load scam. :)

Asterion. He's just adorable. And I don't know if it's another example of great writing, or just my perception, but from the first meeting in this damned cold room, I already knew that I would never hurt him or let anyone or anything hurt him. Which leads to the only real flaw of the current version of the game, I can see...

Replayability. If you don't want to be a complete jerk villain and hurt Asterion in any way you can imagine, the only things left for replay are different MC backgrounds and different lounge setups. I personally would like to see more diversity in the 'nice guy route' , maybe additional scenes depending of your 'level of niceness'. Don't get me wrong, I played the game only once and yet to explore other possibilities and choices, but it seems to me, that the 'bad guy route' currently has more variety. Maybe I'm wrong in this assumption.

Well... that's my kind-of-review. I definitely enjoyed the game and look forward for future releases. :)

And sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language.

p.s. It was fun to see Soviet international passport. With no mistakes in Russian. ;)