New builds come out on the 15th of every month, and every time you reach the end of new content it says "TO BE CONTINUED: END OF DEMO", not "The end".
well, ok. you are right, but i think i can see his point of view, even if it's written to be continued sometimes happen that uuh... you know.... author just leave the project without saying a word and i'm referring to every type of work/game/book/project etc, but actually i'm pretty sure you aren't that type of person and you will say if you will ever leave, unless unable for some reason, and another thing is you seems pretty determined and clever or at almost this is what i think judging well... by me stalking you answering people questions and comment XD.
of course i just probably trust too much, person i don't even know, and this could be all a mask but i'm ok with that too i mean everyone has their reason to do what they do... or mostly everyone.