As i recall correctly 8-bit text adventure games mostly did not allowed player such a luxury of multiple options. Low memory and the story was more important anyway. It was players responsibility to figure it out by trying to guess the word. I reffer to the zx-speccy made games in basic. The fun is also in the way to find the correct word. How many days i had to bite and punch the pillow until i got it right hehe. What a fun. I even had nightmares.. ehm i mean dreams with a solution to the problem yeah. Today's kids will never know how it feels to have no manual, no internet and no one to ask for the solution. Only you and the darn game and maybe an exorcist to beat the devil out of it and shine some light phew.
Well you can always make it simple like this "use socks", "use shirt" or "use shirt on model" and it will dress it. That was a common solution then. I would like it *winks* mark my words with a simple smile of innocence.