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Thank you for playing!! 

I'm taking note of all the suggestions from the comments :)

In the new version of the game I will add more clues (and try with some puzzles!).

I'm really happy you noticed the care I put designing the maps (is what takes me the longest :P), I'm working on the map from scratch, is going to be completely different!

In the new version I will add too more about Annette's family and... (note taken, about Annette child-like characterization, good point, I will keep it in mind ;)

Haha I totally get you, 90% of my time in any RPGMaker version has been making maps (even when i'm not planning on make a game). Now that i learnt how to edit tilesets, I've been about 3 days non stop making silly add ons from the vanilla that i'll prolly use like, twice at best :'D

Great to hear! I'll look forward to the next update then! <3 <3 <3

Now I'm really curious about the maps you make!! Is there any place where I can take a look at them? :)

I don't have any of them posted :'D But here's a screencap of one i've been making! it's kinda rough looking tough, it needs a bit more of polish (and better trees lmao)


wow!! I like it!! You sure make beautiful detailed maps, for me the map is the most hard part, design characters and the plot is more easy (and funny :P). If you make a game I would love to play it!!

Haha I love making the visual area of the game, but is also where I get most Nitpicky, so it takes me ages lmao. Also thanks! I'm actually developing a game of my own on RPG maker, It'll take a while for it to be done, but I'll let you know when I make updates! :D