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I really enjoyed your game! The art was awesome, the audio was fitting, the game  was very bitness, and your game was very theme relating. Your game was also very unique!  Your game was awesome overall! The only two thing I did not like about your game (1) The icon does not represent your game that well (Your Icon is like 16x16 pixels, but everything in your game was like 64x64 pixels (Awesome art)) (2) The UI is a bit small. Both things are just my opinion. Over all very strong entry, good job, and keep it up!

Thank you for playing my game and for sharing such detailed feedback!

I agree about the difference in resolutions between the dragon and the rest of the graphics. I started with the 16x16 approach, then I messed up with different resolutions and I never went back to refine the dragon :'(

Glad to hear that you still liked it. Thanks :)

The dragons in the game were fine. I meant the icon of the game was not very good. (Compared to the game)

Oh, I see! 

That's just the poor small dragon from the gameplay, stratched to fit as an icon. 

I'll see if I can get up with something more eye-catching. Thank you again :) 

Sorry I was not clear. That is what I meant because the size was close up vs far away.

Updated the cover image... hope it's somewhat better now.

Thank you so much for pointing that out :)