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so quick question and sorry if you have answered it before but can you actually buy the wine in this update for one gold or do you need to constantly pay the 20 coppers? I ask because I have worked myself ip through fishing and sending luna out up to 60 odd silver and want to know if it is currenly worth it to try and get the rest or just make a new save and wait. I honestly just don't want to owe the bar girls any favors which is what they say i will owe them if i pay 20 coper every night. and im wondering if its currently worth the troulble to fish roughly 130 copper a day just to do it now.

Hey, I think you're confused. You don't need to constantly pay 20 coppers, the wine costs only 20 copper ONE TIME.
That means, you will pay the wine for 20 copper ONLY ONCE.

oh! thats a much better deal but im still curious if you can pay the 1 gold to get it instead in this update or not?
