Oh my, now this is a dream review, thank you very much for your input, sir!
I feel compelled to answer it all, if I may.
Concerning the writing, we have a newer and shorter script ready that hasn't been implemented to the game yet, so hopefully that'll solve any issues.
About the loading screen, we had some issues with the loading time at first, so we thought best to have one.
Also, thank you for the idea of speeding the characters up! We'll be considering it, pinky promise~
About the game jam thing... This game was started during a previous game jam, and "Certamente não é outra game jam" was a continuation of sorts to that one, so we were allowed to work on this project again. It's confusing, sorry about that O-O
All that said, thank you very much for your review, we appreciate it and we hope you'd like to play our game again when it's more polished! =D
tl; dr: you're very cool for giving us such a detailed review, thanks ^o^)/