Absolutely Fantastic.
As far as the "be in a position of power/influence" genre goes this is definitely my favorite next to titles like Papers Please or Orwell.
The human element is the strongpoint of the game. Characters offer a wide range of opinions and personalities yet they always remain endearing on some level.
Which articles you publish often has immediate and devestating impacts on said characters.
There's a lot of attention to detail in the world building, it makes you care about the society you're a part of and the changes you bring.
I also greatly appreciated the artstyle, it's square and minimalist enough to portray an entire city without feeling overwhelming, meanwhile the detailed character portraits have plenty of personality.
If i had to give a suggestion it'd be that should you waste all your money early on there's not really a way to come back from that (that I found). Some sort of devil's bargain for quick cash would put the player in an interesting position.