I get where you're coming from. It was important to me that I didn't add a way to opt out of these narratives (except for playing in the Creative mode). The push-back against politics in video games made this an essential part of the game for me, and I didn't want to add to the heap of games full of violence and destruction without also forcing the player to pull out and acknowledge their complicit role in so many systemic problems. I knew going into it that some people really wouldn't like it, but compromising on that element felt like pulling the soul from my game.
I honestly do think that Candy Crush should take your suggestion and insert some meaningful dialog between levels.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts anyhow, and I'm glad to hear that you're not disputing any of the talking points at least.
(EDIT: Rude replies will be deleted. If you're not interested in meaningful discussion here then please don't bother to post angry rants. I'm just one person so please be considerate. Thank you!)