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I. Love. This. Game. I loved it in every single part. The atmosphere, the world, the characters, the story. Everything. One of the best games I ever played, but then...


It also has a very relevant story for me as a trans girl. I cried so much as I felt every single emotion Alex felt and I got so emotionally invested I think I'll never be the same person. It was that powerful for me.

So Dev, thank you.

(one thing though, probably a bug of some sort... after finishing the story, the game locks and I can't exit nor logout... am I missing something or it just ends like that?)

oh no, what was the last message you received? That definitely sounds like a big, but I haven’t heard of that one before >~<

I'm gonna replay that part but I think it was just after the last messages from prplsqrl

Replayed from the last checkpoint and yeah, after prplsqrl logs out the last time it gets kinda buggy, I can't logout nor quit and I can't close the messenger app.

(1 edit)

Jeez, the fact that it happened twice is... extremely abnormal. I'm so sorry about that - I'm not sure what the issue could be, but I'll look into it! Which OS do you use? Are you running the game through the Itch launcher or running the game app directly?

I'm on Windows 10 x64 and I'm launching it directly from the executable

it just ends