First of all.. super awesome work guys!
I really appreciate the art style, especially the sand shader and effects. Also I mentioned some lovely details like the animation when you are falling to deep, so things made it easier to get into the world. Which is also pretty cool, but I would like to get some lore input in the future. It would be nice to explore the world and get some infos about the history of the ruins.
Some further aspects:
- the controls feel very natural
- i got some perfomance issues, which should not occur with my setup. Maybe its is because everything is loaded at once and lots of things are animated
- Which is very nice, I love the weather effects, waterfalls etc, makes a good atmosphere
- What happens after collecting all stamina shards? Is there more to collect / explore?
- While carrying a heavy block I could run faster with the 'A' Buttons, which didn't feel intended
- I want more blocks! Sometimes I searched to long for a block.