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Will be there a walkthrough? I could really use a guide to completely fill my gallery...

It didn't occur to us, but sure thing! We will have one ready sometime next week.

(1 edit)

Actually, I wanted to reply that 'nevermind finally got them all!". Nothing beats the sheer stubborness and load buttom "crazy smile* aaaand the fact that the last 4 boxes on page 2 are meant to be empty *facepalm*

Anyway, thank you for the game! I really enjoyed it. I would really, really love to get my hands on sequel. Or at least some spin off with our dear Keegan. He's a gem. I'm sure he's bound to have more of those hilarious evil plans and handsome men to woo!

Also downloaded Monstrous Lovers. I have faith in it already if Blind Men is anything to go by.

Keep the good work!

EDIT: And, oh! I really liked the art! Please, hire the artist some more :D

Cheers! :)

A walkthrough would be appreciated right now XD Missing just two CGs and it's driving me crazy!

P.S. Love the game, very clever and well done. Love the humour and Hunter is just a damn f*cking flirt! (I love it.)

Keep up the great work! I'm gonna check out your other game ASAP!